FTO Image Generator

Adjust camera by dragging on the cube.

Note: image shows inverse of alg. Use the Setup Moves box to do the moves on a solved puzzle.


Batch generator

Generate many images at once, with the same settings as above.


This tool uses Twizzle's FTO notation.

Face turns: U, L, R, F, B, BL, BR, D

Wide moves: u, l, r, f, b, bl, br, d

Slice moves: 2U, 2L, 2R, 2F, 2B, 2BL, 2BR, 2D

Face rotations: Uv, Lv, Rv, Fv, Bv, BLv, BRv, Dv

Edge rotations: specify two faces that meet at the same edge. The puzzle will rotate along that edge.

Corner rotations: specify three faces that meet at the same corner. The puzzle will rotate along that corner.

Invert: can apply to moves, rotations and groups of moves.

Tips & Tricks

Made by crystalcuber. Powered by cubing.js